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Paid Audio Description Training Opportunity  -  September-October 2024

Audio Description Training Retreats is dedicated to providing training options that promote a more diverse and inclusive Audio Description industry. We are seeking passionate writers who are committed to accessibility to join our special training program this fall 2024!


Applicants must be available all day on 6 consecutive Saturdays for the training: September 14th to October 19th. In addition to 36 to 48 hours of remote virtual class time throughout the 6 Saturdays, they should expect 5 to 10 hours of homework.


Applicants must be familiar with Audio Description (AD), but must not be currently working as a paid AD Writer or Live Describer.


Applicants must be interested in pursuing AD for television and movies as a full- or part-time freelance career.


Preference will be given to candidates from underrepresented communities, so we especially welcome applications from Black, Indigenous, and people of color or other world majority populations, as well as those with disabilities!


Audio Describers should be observant, detail-oriented, and empathetic. They need to possess excellent grammar, punctuation, spelling skills, and an extensive vocabulary. If you take deep satisfaction in finding the perfect word for every situation, you are exactly who we're looking for!


This training is focused on writing Audio Description, so no narration experience is required, and applicants should not be primarily interested in voicing or recording media.


Successful applicants will receive training worth approximately $1,550 USD at no cost, plus a stipend of $650 USD upon completing the full program.

The graduates will be hired on a freelance basis post-class for a project with a major video producer. This paid apprentice position includes mentorship from an experienced writer at a leading description company and may lead to further opportunities. 


Additionally, graduates will be eligible to apply for positions with other AD providers.

How to Apply

The deadline to apply is Monday, July 1, 2024. Please send your resume  / C.V. to, and in the body of the email message please provide answers to the following questions: 


1.  Why are you interested in this opportunity?


2.  Please give us an example of Audio Description that you loved and why you loved it.


3.  If asked to describe yourself to a person who is blind or low vision, what would you say?


4.  Please describe the picture provided in 50 words or less. (Alt text is provided. If the image is not working, please email with any specific access needs.)


Screenshot from the black and white movie "Go West" featuring a white man, Buster Keaton, a comedian and actor.

Alt Text: Screenshot from the black and white movie "Go West" featuring a white man, Buster Keaton, a comedian and actor.

Click here for a PDF version of the above information

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